Someone aka Me

  • Mad Ideas

    Because Sirius is never serious, not even when confronting one of his best friends about being a werewolf.

  • These Emerald Eyes

    If the eyes reflect the person within, how different must he be?

  • Scars

    Charlie's proud of his scars. They're a mark of where he's been – a story written on his skin.

  • No Going Back

    Four times, Regulus Black hesitates. Four times, he contemplates walking away and pretending nothing happened. Four times, he keeps moving forward, until, eventually, there's no going back.

  • Delphiniums

    "Because he's addicted to danger, now. It's been a part of his life for so long that he doesn't know how to live without that adrenaline high anymore, because it's become a part of him." Mild Harry/Draco.

  • When The Silence Speaks

    The silence speaks volumes. It speaks of all the things that they cannot say, or don't want to say because saying it makes it real. :: Seamus/Dean mild slash, post HBP, pre DH.

  • In But An Instant

    Everything crumbles in but an instant, and Teddy is left wondering how on earth it even happened. Ted/Vic. Warning: a few swear words, no HEA.

  • Where She Belongs

    The Grangers drop Hermione off at Platform 9 3/4. "He'll never be a part of his daughter's world again."

  • When the Breathing Stops

    'Breathe in,' she tells herself. 'Breathe out.' The steady rhythm of breath is the only tangible thing she has to focus on. It's the only thing keeping her sane.

  • Promise?

    There are some promises that can't be made, some that can't be kept, and some that aren't really understood at the time they're promised. Then there are the promises that mean everything. Dean/Seamus, set during DH.

  • Defying Expectations

    When a single instant changes Harry's entire childhood, the Wizarding World doesn't quite know what to do with the Boy-Who-Lived who shows up at Platform 9 3/4 – because he isn't what they expected. AU.

  • Shattered

    "The shattered fragments of Remus's heart ache for Harry – his heart would break, but there's not enough of it left whole for another fracture line." Sirius's fall through the Veil, from Remus's POV. Very, very mild implied slash.

  • When the World Comes Crashing Down

    Remus isn't really sure how to move on when the world comes crashing down around him. He's not really sure how to do this alone.

  • The Only Human Thing

    "Percy, emotions aren't something that have a 'supposed to' attached. You feel what you feel." Percy struggles with breaking up with Penelope after realizing he's in love with someone else. Percy/Oliver.

  • All Imperfect

    Angelina can't stop the sharp, bitter laugh from escaping her lips. "Are any of us whole anymore?" She sobers. "I love you–" she reaches out a hand to trace the shiny, white line "–scars and all. Shattered and all." Rated T for implied self-harm.

  • Fueled by Ashes

    After losing six months of her life to a cursed necklace, all Katie Bell feels at first is burnt. But then she decides to use that, and she is fueled by the ashes in her veins.

  • Not Invincible

    "I know what it feels like to live without you. And I don't ever want to go back to that." Remus/Sirius, the day of the battle in the Department of Mysteries.

  • As Soon As Forever Is Through, I'll Be Over You

    "Of course it will be him holding the Quidditch cup aloft. That's got to be his heart's deepest desire… right?" What does Oliver Wood see in the Mirror of Erised? Preslash, sort of.

  • It must e n d

    Freeverse. "B u t a l l g o o d t h i n g s m u s t end." No pairings.

  • Seven Survivors

    Seven survivors and their experiences the night of the Battle of Hogwarts. I. Padma. II. Hannah. III. Katie. IV. Luna. V. Percy. VI. Charlie. VII. Draco. "But safety is not an option. Here, tonight, safety doesn't exist."