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Collection by Falconeye89 {{ vm.collection.storiesCountText }} Updated: 21 Aug 2021
  • Fate be Changed

    PART 2: She slayed the dragon, reclaimed the Mountain, birthed a forest, and won a war. But that was just the beginning. The past has a funny way of coming back to haunt you. Horcruxes and Dark Lords and quests to destroy them both, this time though, she's not alone. She has a Fellowship at her side.
  • Brightly Burning

    Twin-fic to Reighost's Dusk to Dawn. Reborn/Harry. Everything changes with a chance meeting in a bar. Sky!Harry. MERRY CHRISTMAS.
  • Reading With The Order

    The Order suddenly get's a book called deathly hallows and is forced to read it.
  • Lily, James, Sirius, and Remus Read Deathly Hallow

    Lily, James, Sirius, and Remus Read Deathly Hallows... with baby Harry. T for language.
  • The Marauders Read Deathly Hallows

    What will happen when James, Sirius, Remus, and Lily find a book called Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows? My take on the overdone "Marauders Read the Harry Potter books" story. The Marauders have graduated from Hogwarts.
  • The Blacks read Harry Potter Series!

    I've read many of Character reading the HP novels, but never the Blacks. I decided to do that. HEED WARNINGS! NO FLAMES! FIRST FIC! Please Read&Review.; Rated: T for implied abuse! SLASH and MPREG mentions! NO CANON PAIRINGS!
  • Changing the Future: Reading the Deathly Hallows

    Harry is transported to a magic room where he is force to read a book about his future with several of his friends, and a few of his enemies.
  • Mysteries Unraveled

    The ministry recieves a book depicting certain important events from Harry's five previous years at Hogwarts that are 'verified' as true. It is read to the Great Hall and guests, much to the chagrin of one Mr. Harry Potter. Takes place start 6th year. HG
  • When You Have Nothing Left To Lose

    Lily, James, Sirius, and Remus read a book that was sent to them in order to change a horrendous future. POA because it's my favorite.
  • Reading from the other side

    Everyone who's died so far finds a mysterious book about Lily's and James's son Harry, and decides to read it. How will they react when they find out what Harry and his friends were up to on their quest to bring down Voldemort? Characters will join along the reading. T for language.
  • The Marauders read Midnight Guardian

    Inspired in all the Marauders read out there, this time they read fanfiction.
  • Harry and co read book one

    Harry, Snape, Voldemort, Hermione, Neville, and the malfoys find themselfs trapped in the ROR. And did i mention that harry has changed alot over the summer. Spoilers up to book 5. SLASH HP/LV
  • Reading - The First Time He Saw It

    Remus, Tonks, Sirius, Harry & Snape find a book called ' The First Time He Saw It'. What do they do? Read it of course. "He was four the first time he saw it. Teddy Lupin, shocked awake by a nightmare and finding his parents bedroom empty, goes down to the sitting room where he finds his mummy sleeping" - SheWolf2000. CHARACTERS READING FANFICTION!
  • To Take a Chance: Reading the Deathly Hallows

    AU. In a different reality where the Potters survived and Voldemort was resurrected at a much earlier time, Harry and his two best friends had gotten hold of an object that might give them and the Order the answers to win their war. AU!Harry different from Canon!Harry. Might rate it up to T later. Please R&R. Chapter nine is now up!
  • HPPS Parody

    My take on harry and company reading through the Harry Potter Series - rated for my demented mine - PRE-SLASH AND HINTS OF SLASH - hints of muggle drugs and the consequences - Ron, Ginny and Dumbles bashing - Creature fic
  • Reading, A Father's Love

    The reactions of the other gods, the shock and surprise of the parents, the tears of the children, and the laughter of friends - all are so addicting!
  • Flamel's & The Chamber

    Well here it is, the sequel to one of my most popular fics 'Flamel's and the Stone'. I will say that I am still working on fixing any errors and mistakes that the first one had but it will be slow going so please be patient as I may try and finish doing that before going on to the next chapter of this fic. A Poll will be up to help decide the other characters so look out for it.
  • The Flamel's and the Stone

    I ADOPTED THIS FIC FROM ANOTHER Author and hope you like it. Harry finds a family in an alchemist and a kind witch and they both discover the future of how there lives will be with some others along the way.BOOK READING WITH A LITTLE BIT OF STORY TELLING.
  • The Slytherin's Read

    After 4th year, the Slytherins have a choice to make. To help them, Hogwarts sends them the Harry Potter books.
  • James and lily's parents read Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

    James and Lily's parents receive a book series about their grandson Harry Potter. These books are sent by teddy lupin to change the future of harry potter. join the parents, marauders and lily reading the adventures of harry potter. what will be their reactions to life threatening situations of harry potter?( On Hold)
  • A Maurader Reading Of : The Darkness Within

    Ok this is a adaptation of The Darkness Within. It basicly shows the Mauraders plus Lily and minus Peter reading "The Darkness Within" by Kurinoone
  • Bella Potter Reads Philosophers Stone

    Bella Potter after watching Mr Weasley's attck is forced to take extra lessons with Snape her least favourite teacher. time is frozen and books from the future have arrived all seven years of her school life. can lost lives be saved? fem harry/girl harry IMPROVED!
  • Harry James Potter and the Power of a Prodigy

    What would life be like if Harry was a prodigy? If his family was still alive, but think that Harry is dead? Will Harry accept his family if or when he goes to Hogwarts? Will he accept his destiny as the chosen one or will he shun it? Full summary insid
  • The Life and Trials of Harry James PotterMalfoy

    Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy are happily married and about to enter their seventh year at Hogwarts school when the first trials of their lives become alarmingly apparent, with enemies all around and closing in, what are the married couple to do? MPreg.
  • Reading With the Weasleys: The Philosopher's Stone

    During the trip to Diagon Alley in the summer before second year, Hermione finds a certain set of books. She decided to show Harry and the Weasleys and are now going to read the books at The Burrow. Canon couples.
  • Truth Revealed

    I DON'T OWN HARRY POTTER! During OotP! Umbridge was sent 7 books on Dorea Potter's life in Hogwarts. Dumbledore was sent a note that told him to summon a list of people. Dorea Potter got a note warning her that the truth would be revealed. None of them imagined that they were from the future, let alone people from the past and present would be coming along with. femHarry/Bill!
  • The Champion Reading I

    Set after Harry's name comes out of the Goblet of the Fire and each Champion has their history read out in front of the schools. Harry Potter books 1, 2, 3 and up to chapter 17 in 4.
  • Required Reading

    The war is over, the battle won. It's a long road to recovery, but the key to a successful future is understanding the past. What will this unlikely group come to understand as they read the Deathly Hallows? My version of 'characters read the book'.
  • Chronicles of Aphrodite Potter book 2

    This the second book in the Aphrodite Potter series. Aphrodite and Oliver have completed their Soul Bond. Bill has unlocked all of her magic that Dumbledore blocked. Aph is a Veela from Lily's side. Lily was adopted by the Evans' from the Belvount Veela group (pure veelas). Dumbleodre, Molly, Ginny bashing minor Snape bashing. Aph blood adopted by Siri and Remy. Siri & Remy married
  • Chronicles of Aphrodite Potter

    Two days after (fem Harry) Aphrodite Potter's arrives at Grimmauld Place in the summer before her fifth year. The Order of the Phoenix is sent seven books about her years at Hogwarts to change the outcome of the war. Slight Dumbledore, Snape, Molly & Ginny bashing. Jealous Ron, child abuse by Dursleys. Dating Oliver Wood. Parents from the past read the books. Sirius & Remus married
  • Love, Spells and PolyJuice

    Teulu Seren Potter (femharry) and Draco are secrelty dating and he has just proposed to her in their fifth year when someone brings the seveth book to umbridge for the whole of Hogwarts, Order and some Ministy members to read. How will Teulu's friends and family react to her secretly going out with Draco for nearly a year and a half Draco is now Draco Black Cl0ud nine made the cvr
  • Let's Know You in Order to Kill You, Harry Potter!

    When harry hands himself to Voldemort to be killed, he didn't expect to Voldemort to have others ideas. Voldemort and inner circle reads the Hp books. Possible slash in future chapters, rating may go up
  • Reading:Harry Potter and The Black Cousins Book 1

    AU. What if Sirius and Regulus had sons who lived with Harry? What if not everyone is a truly light wizard? This is where those in the Marauder's era read the future in the Room Of Requirement. The lies of those in power will be exposed, truths revealed and friendships broken and formed. Warning, Contains: Bashing, language OCs, and, canon deviation. You have been warned.
  • Quidditch players and lovers read

    While trying to learn new plays for the year, the Gryffindor Quidditch team, Ron, Hermione, Cho and Cedric all are trapped in the locker room. Their purpose? To read a book. Will the locker room be left standing with the Twins in there? Read and find out
  • When Secrets Are Revealed

    Harry has spent a week as a TriWizard champion and it's been the worst week of his life. Now he finds out that all of Hogwarts and the visiting schools must read about his ENTIRE life. How could his life get any worse? Oh yeah-did we mention El Sapo?
  • Exploring Harry Potter's Life

    Umbridge has officially outdone herself. Her tactics to prove Harry Potter is a liar has gotten even more vicious. She decides to drag up Harry's past and read it to all of Hogwarts, (and a few very special guests). How will Harry and his "family" handle these books? Especially when a few well kept secrets are exposed. Lady Celestial Star wrote this, she's just letting me post it.
  • Hogwarts and the Deathly Hallows

    The mysterious A.S. Potter sends back the seventh Harry Potter Book. Who gets the book you may ask? Professor Umbridge of course! Read the epic tale of Harry Potter through its characters eyes, and see how they change the future for the better.
  • Reading The Name is Potter-Black!

    Join James, Sirius, Remus, Lily, and Snape, as they read PadyandMoony's The Name is Potter-Black! Reading story beforehand is advised.
  • Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows

    The very first order sit down to and read about Lily and James's son Harry Potter. People reading include Molly and Arther Weasley, Lily, James, Sirius, Remus, Moody, Professor McGonagall, Professor Dumbledore, Aberforth, Alice and Frank Longbottom. And others ...
  • The Order Members Read Deathly Hallows

    Continuation of TwiHard24's story where she left it off. From Chapter 28- The Missing Mirror. All Members of the Order Of the Pheonix, past/present/future, read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Please read and review! Rapidly coming updates! Enjoy!
  • The Order Members Read Deathly Hallows

    All Members of the Order Of the Pheonix, past/present/future, read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Please read and review! Rapidly coming updates! Enjoy!
  • Umbridge reads the deathly hallows

    Umbridge finds the Deathly Hallows and reads it to all of Hogwarts and the Order. What could go wrong?
  • Discovering the Future: The Deathly Hallows

    COMPLETE! Three of the Marauders, one imperious Head Girl, and the Headmaster and Deputy Head of Hogwarts end up at Potter Manor over the summer before the MPP/L's seventh year. They end up reading Deathly Hallows.
  • Deathly Hallows: The Reading

    Yup, another one. Sequel to Priori Incantatum:D The Weasleys, Grangers, Potters and, well, everyone, read the Harry Potter books after the Final Battle in the Great Hall!
  • Taking Our Lives Back

    This is a CR story but it is only that to show the Characters how badly Dumbledore messed with their lives. This will have gay relationships, Male Preg, de-aging, character bashing, parental spankings and so much more. This story is Non-Canon! Reading the books is only to make things better and chapter 8 is the first book chapter. My only Snape as a good guy story. Surprises ahead
  • Of Reading, Harry Potter and Goblets of Fire

    After Remus finds the fourth HP book,Sirius and he take it to the Potters' house,intending on continuing with their reading of Harry's life.Sequel to 'Of Reading,Harry Potter and Prisoners of Azkaban'.RLSB SLASH and JPLE.Starring Baby Harry! No flames!
  • Of Reading, Harry Potter and Prisoners of Azkaban

    Sirius finds a book in Remus' library,and for once, actually wants to READ it.Why?Well,it's about his Godson.Remus,Sirius,James and Lily gather together to read HP and the POA.James/Lily,Remus/Sirius SLASH.No flames, please.Starring Baby Harry!
  • The Order Reads Harry Potter and the Philosophers'

    Another reading the books fic. The Original Order and the Weasleys read the Harry Potter Books.