Gwen gets to be the hero, for once. Not that it matters.
It's a tragedy, all right.
I can assure you, there is a Hot Topic in the Null Void.
Doctor Animo and Kai Green have a fight over who loves Benwoofs more. Guess who wins! That's right...nobody.
Psyphon can't do anything right these days.
D'Void wears the pants in the Null Void. All of the pants.
D'Void and The Wrench have an intense and completely in character discussion. Wink!
Who doesn't think the Null Void is a great place for a picnic? A fool, that's who.
No, that was not a typo. If you get the joke, congrats. You're old and remember things.
They're easy to control, unless it makes for a random wacky tragedy.
Important canonical details left out for sake of asinine tragedy. Because!
Is unrelenting torment. Haw, haw. Gotcha!
Zombies make the premise entirely different!
I told you, there is no pattern.
There's no discernible pattern here, how dare you insinuate such a thing.
No appearances by Jury Rigg, sorry.
But who cares. Coming up with something in depth and believable is not something I wish to waste my time on.
That hurts.
Maybe don't hold it so tightly next time.
Be like Ben, and go do something constructive. Like save the world.