

  • Rest

    "Leorio looks foolish when he sleeps, Kurapika decides." Interlude set during Episode 7. Part 1 of Interludes series. Followed by Insomnia.

  • Impulsive

    "It is almost a comfort, that no one sees what Freed does." Freed gets drunk, and Laxus gets startled.

  • Steadier

    "All Lahar can see of Doranbolt's face is the pattern of the scar drawn up past his hairline, the steel in his eyes and the tears under his frown." Doranbolt and Lahar have a brief moment together after the disappearance of Tenroujima.

  • Apologies

    "Yamamoto laughs, delight and relief bubbling up past the dull ache in his body to ring sincere over his tongue. 'I'm glad you're okay.'" Yamamoto is supposed to be healing, and it turns out he's better at staying where he's supposed to be than Gokudera. Part four of the Understanding series. Sequel to Fireworks; followed by Appreciation.

  • Epiphany

    "Nozaki has never been in love." Nozaki needs some information, Mikoshiba is an amusing if not reliable source, and discoveries are made. Part 2 and final of Experience series. Sequel to Solution.

  • Collar

    "'I have something for you.' There's an odd quality to his voice, a shaky undertone that Mihashi can identify but not interpret, other than the reassurance of 'not angry.'" Abe gives Mihashi a present.

  • Solution

    "'So you need to kiss someone,' Nozaki says. This is an easy problem to solve. Mikoshiba's impossible problems usually are. 'To practice.'" Mikoshiba has a problem, and Nozaki has a solution, and neither of them has a clue. Part 1 of the Experience series. Followed by Epiphany.

  • Hurried

    "Yamamoto wakes up when Gokudera falls out of bed." Gokudera can't find his shirt and Yamamoto offers the obvious solution.

  • Belong

    "The joy hits Miyuki harder than he expected." Miyuki loses his composure for a moment, and finally does what he should have a long time ago.

  • Gravity

    "Yashiro can feel these memories going too, all the knowledge of Kuroh sliding from his mental grasp to shatter apart on impact with the cold wall in the other's eyes." Kuroh forgets Yashiro, and then he doesn't.

  • Compliment

    "It's not the compliment that confuses Toudou. He's used to compliments, preens in the warm glow of other's appreciation without thinking about it most of the time." Toudou gets a compliment and is very confused.

  • Sunlight

    "Even now Rogue's not sure how Sting got in so close so easily; Sting just sort of happened to him, helped himself to Rogue's life and Rogue's heart without bothering to ask if it was okay." Sting is the one who leads the way into the guild, but Rogue is at his side and not behind him.

  • Easy

    "It's not until the second week that Gokudera is sure." Gokudera has a shadow and he's never been good at patience. Part one of the Understanding series. Followed by Intuition.

  • Sketch

    "Teshima blinks at the images, turns the page without thinking. There's more here, a little larger and more of them, creeping into the notespace as the words get more cramped in the center of the page." Teshima finds out that Aoyagi can draw and starts to find out something more.

  • Payback

    "Phoenix knows he's going to pay for that comment at the Space Center." Edgeworth gets even with Phoenix for teasing him.

  • Drowsy

    "Takeda cannot hold his alcohol." Takeda brings over the promised sake and gets more inebriated than intended.

  • Off to the Races

    "People look at Arakita and see what he is, and they look at Shinkai and see what he isn't, and Shinkai can see the confusion in the back of their eyes even if they don't say anything." Most people don't understand why Arakita and Shinkai get along. They both know, though.

  • Dizzy

    "'Don't blame me,' Giriko says. His voice is even more grating than usual." Justin gets drunk and it does not turn out to be as fun as he or Giriko expects.

  • Fright

    "Stein wakes up shaking." Spirit worries about Stein when the meister doesn't.

  • Fitting

    "Harvar has Ox's elbow digging into his ribs and he can't find space for his feet because of how the meister is angled over the bed, and he is sure neither of them are ever going to sleep again." Harvar and Ox try to literally sleep together and it is more difficult than expected.