

  • Different

    "Simon is just getting his Dominator up when the Inspector's golden eyes go soft and sad with regret." Simon makes a startling discovery and is slow to react.

  • Delayed

    "Awashima watches Munakata askance the first few minutes, but no one else so much as blinks, and even the blonde turns away and focuses on her work after she's convinced herself he's holding together." Munakata is very good at delaying the inevitable, but eventually his reaction catches up to him.

  • Warmth

    "Loki's fingers land on warm skin, collect moisture from the contact, and there's motion against his hand in time with the sound of soft laughter." Loki has bad dreams. Life is better when he's awake.

  • Human

    "Sam is first between them, has always been first, separated by the sheer height of the pedestal Dean puts him on." Dean's protection comes with unintended pressure. Spoilers through middle of season 4.

  • Laughter Lines

    "There should be some sort of hesitation, Phoenix feels, some delay or awkwardness from the years apart, some rift of time and experience that can't be so easily bridged." There is the past, and there is the present, and it's all as easy as it should be.

  • Borrowed

    "Denial is a form of coping, a way to run from emotions too painful to bear, and it's been a long, long time since they felt anything at all." The Phantom visits Simon's cell after his sentence is executed.

  • Appearance

    "The look on Akane's face should have been enough warning." Akane has very few boundaries and Clay proves easy to distract.

  • Forgetting

    "Klavier isn't quite asleep when he hears Apollo take a breath. That in itself is not noteworthy, or wouldn't be except that there's a catch under the inhale, a damp tone that Klavier recognizes." Apollo wakes Klavier up, and Klavier answers a question. Part 3 and final of the Apologies series.

  • Intermission

    "When Justin looks at Giriko sideways there's nearly-a-smile at the corner of his mouth." Drabbles featuring Justin and Giriko being domestic.

  • Trust

    "Stein can't think or do anything, just stays where he is and watches the inevitable realization approach the both of them, a devastating collision that Spirit doesn't even know is on the way." Spirit wakes up in the middle of one of Stein's experiments. He does not react as Stein expects.

  • Security

    "Mihashi's trying not to wake Abe. It's not like the nightmares are new." Mihashi wakes up from a nightmare and accidentally wakes Abe up too.

  • Stolen

    "Shinkai looks up from where he's slouched over his knees in the corner, squinting at the burn of the sunlight behind Arakita's shoulder." Arakita considers going back on his Interhigh agreement with Shinkai and Shinkai lets his control slip a little.

  • Darkness

    "The problem is that when Hayato looks sideways, Mitsuki's looking right at him." Hayato and Mitsuki have a moment on Hayato's back porch. Again. Part 3 of Seeing series. Followed by Sunshine.

  • Failure

    "Ishigaki doesn't look up until he's inside, has taken a step in and let the flap fall behind him before he takes in the hunch of Midosuji's skeletal shoulders, the gloves wrapping his fingers and the mask closing off his mouth, and then it's too late to pretend he was going elsewhere." Ishigaki intends to thank Midosuji and does more than he planned.

  • Masochism

    "Ishigaki is pretty sure there is something wrong with him." Ishigaki doesn't intend for his fantasies to take the turn they do, but once they do he can't stop indulging in them.

  • Invincible

    "Even in the dark, Kageyama can see the red of tears at Hinata's eyes." Loss is easier to bear together. Part 5 and final of Teamwork series. Sequel to Gold.

  • Remembering

    "His first kiss happens as naturally as Elliot has always thought it should." Of everything in Elliot's life, kissing Leo comes easiest.

  • Forgotten

    "Teshigawara has entirely forgotten what day it is when his mother taps gently at the door of his room." Teshigawara forgets the date, which only makes Kazami's surprise the better.

  • Presents

    "Gokudera hates Valentine's Day." Gokudera is grumpier than usual, and Yamamoto is happier than usual.

  • Traditions

    "In retrospect, Gokudera should have suspected something ridiculous." Yamamoto has an idea and Gokudera turns him down, at first.