

  • Restraints

    "Mikoto understands Munakata enough that when the door to his cell opens, he's not at all surprised to look up into violet eyes." Munakata and Mikoto briefly discuss, and discard, options.

  • Constancy

    "It happens instantaneously." Stein has been an Enforcer since he was old enough to be allowed to join the force. He's not expecting anything in his life to change, including his Psycho-Pass. Then it does.

  • Intoxicated

    "Lips brush his ear. 'Stop ignoring me, Herr Forehead.'" Klavier gets handsy when he's tipsy. Apollo does his best to resist.

  • Gratitude

    "Halfway through his sentence, Klavier gets a good look at Apollo's face, and the words die on his tongue as fast as the smile fades from his face." Klavier visits Apollo in the hospital after the courtroom bombing. Part 1 of the Apologies series. Followed by Ghosts.

  • Convincing

    "'I'm tired of waiting, Maki-chan, I want to catch up with you before the race tomorrow and I can't miss my beauty sleep.'" Makishima surprises Toudou and Toudou is appreciative.

  • Visitor

    "Apollo doesn't have any time to spare for Phoenix, not when Klavier is grinning down at him from the other side of the entry." Klavier comes to visit Apollo and Apollo loses his cool.

  • History

    "From the intensity of Kuroko's gaze the question is important, but Kagami's memory is a haze of effort and exhaustion and panic and victory and he isn't sure what Kuroko's referring to." Kuroko is worried and Kagami is sincere. Part 3 and final of the Moonlight series. Sequel to Shaking.

  • Foolish

    "No one points out how Barnaby's voice is shaking, or the fact that he's working his cufflinks loose without thinking about it. He's grateful for that, at least." Kotetsu stays relatively calm during the wedding. Barnaby is a different story. Part 3 and final of the Official series. Sequel to Announcement.

  • Reunion

    "Leorio's eyes go wide with shock, his mouth drops open on words or surprise or both, and he's moving instantly, crossing the distance between them on his unreasonably long legs, which is good because Kurapika can't remember how to breathe, much less walk." Kurapika and Leorio's reunion.

  • Excuses

    "The lights have been out in the girl's dormitory for over an hour; Akane gave up watching the darkened window thirty minutes ago in favor of watching the moonlight collect in the darkened blue of Clay's eyes." Clay tries to be responsible, Akane distracts him, and Jacqueline catches them.

  • Habits

    "Teshima's hair gets tangled when he leaves it down, like he usually does when they're riding; usually Aoyagi is the one to work the knots out, by hand more often than not and more incidentally to the action of stroking his fingers through Teshima's hair than on purpose." Aoyagi loves Teshima's hair and Teshima loves Aoyagi.

  • Immersion

    "Mondo hasn't totally pulled himself together when the lights cut to black, although he can hear Ishimaru getting to his feet and shuffling nearly-silently offstage." Rehearsal and live performances are very different things, as Mondo and Ishimaru both discover. Play AU fix-it.

  • Announcement

    "Barnaby's still not used to it yet, the weight of the ring on his finger, the way it catches the light sometimes and holds cool and heat longer than his skin does." Kotetsu and Barnaby announce their engagement to Kotetsu's family and the Heroes. Part 2 of the Official series. Sequel to Interruption; followed by Foolish.

  • Shaking

    "Kagami snags the basketball out of Kuroko's hands just for something to do with his own other than grab at Kuroko's shoulders and shove him up against the frame of the hoop down at the other end of the court." Kagami and Kuroko tease each other after their match with Kirisaki Dai Ichi. Part 2 of the Moonlight series. Sequel to Presence; followed by History.

  • Persistence

    "'You're persistent,' Ukai sighs without looking at Takeda." Persistence pays off sooner rather than later.

  • Sure

    "Something is wrong with Abe. Mihashi doesn't know what, can't ask, would apologize if he knew what to apologize for, but he doesn't." Abe is fretting and Mihashi is panicking. Miscommunication ensues and eventually resolves. Part 2 and final of Leading series. Sequel to Worry.

  • Cadenza

    "This is really about to happen, this is really happening right now, and his heart can't remember how to beat properly and he can't breathe, he's going to pass out before he ever even gets to see Maka's dress." Soul and Maka finally end up where they belong. There are many tears. Part 2 and final of the Cadence series. Sequel to Coda.

  • Familiarity

    "It comes back. It all comes back, faster than it should, more easily than it should, without thinking and almost without effort." Asahi finds that history is easy to repeat.

  • Together

    "When Aoyagi sees the strain across Teshima's face he knows something is wrong." Teshima has something to tell Aoyagi and it takes him all day to work up to it.

  • Surpassing

    "Sansa is lithe and beautiful and clever, and although her mind has all the potential of an unsharpened blade he is the whetstone, this time, and whatever inherent obedience she inherited from her mother she now owes to him." Petyr is single-minded, and Sansa is his focus now.