

  • Permanent

    "Rogue's idly watching the movement of his fingers, the shape of pleasure at the other's lips, when Sting shifts, presses his forehead hard against Rogue's stomach before blinking his eyes open to stare close-up at the other's paler skin." Sting asks a question and Rogue says yes.

  • Intuition

    "All Gokudera knows is that he can't stay still, that the temptation of Yamamoto alone in the distraction of a crowd is too much to let him abandon the opportunity." Gokudera makes an excuse, and finds who he's looking for, and acts on impulse. Part two of the Understanding series. Sequel to Easy. Followed by Fireworks.

  • Uncertain

    "By the time the team arrives at Makishima's house, Fukutomi is a little worried he's going to be sick." Meeting for casual socializing turns into something more than casual for Fukutomi and Kinjou.

  • Plan

    "Rationally Abe knows Mihashi is an adult and can be trusted to get himself home after work. But in practice he started pacing after three minutes, and even if the other has outgrown the worst of the fragility he had in high school Abe still worries." Mihashi is later than usual and has a surprise for Abe. Part one of Unexpected series. Followed by Nerves.

  • Incentive

    "Then Ryosuke tips his head, and his eyes focus on Haruichi's face, and his smile ceases to matter at all." Ryosuke offers congratulations on Haruichi making first string.

  • Momentary

    "Soji's still grimacing in the first flash of hurt when he looks sideways and sees Hijikata." Soji and Hijikata pass out together, but Soji wakes up first.

  • Crescendo

    "Makishima doesn't worry that the girl will be the one to pick up the weapon and follow him. There was only ever going to be one person with him, here at the end." Makishima conducts his symphony down to the last note.

  • Invitation

    "Musashi had forgotten how much easier everything is with Hiruma." Musashi starts to hope again, and Hiruma loses track of time.

  • Future

    "Reisi has been having a very good birthday. This is due primarily to the fact that, as yet, no one has actively acknowledged it." Reisi has a birthday and Mikoto gives him a present.

  • Recovery

    "Luckily, Hiruma is close to the front door when the knock comes." Hiruma's is good at acting and bad at taking care of himself. Musashi knows about both traits.

  • Red

    Gatchaman Crowds, JouxSugane. "When Jou looks at his hair, he sees blood." Color is a matter of interpretation for Jou and Sugane.

  • Surrender

    "There's something like shattered glass in the look Hiruma's giving Musashi instead of his usual burning intensity. Musashi doesn't know what it was that broke, to leave those shards so clear in Hiruma's gaze, or when, if it's fault or credit that he deserves, if either are his to own at all." Musashi has a realization, and offers an apology, and Hiruma cracks.

  • Training

    "There's another part of Sakuraba that just doesn't want to go home, that has been quietly enjoying Takami's focused attention, tangible as a touch even from across the length of the field." Sakuraba and Takami have a moment after their additional training session together. Part II and final of the Partners series. Sequel to Commitment.

  • Commitment

    "'Cut my hair.' Sakuraba lifts his gaze, and there's no hesitation in his eyes at all. 'I want it gone.'" Sakuraba commits to his new goals, and Takami helps. Part 1 of the Partners series. Followed by Partners.

  • Unconscious

    "Nozaki is a deep sleeper, and Mikoshiba is bored." Nozaki falls asleep in the middle of the day and leaves Mikoshiba with more pens than he should be trusted with.

  • Swords

    "There's another flicker of light, off something in Weissman's hand instead of Reisi's; then Reisi steps forward, the motion clean and abrupt with determination, and Mikoto's vision washes out into gold for a moment." Reisi acts on impulse and Mikoto fails to stop him.

  • Claim

    "Shinkai is fairly certain Arakita has entirely avoided getting any paint on the wall they are ostensibly supposed to be working on." Shinkai and Arakita have an interlude during a painting project.

  • Brief

    "The figure moves, lifts its hands in apology, whispers,'Sorry' and reshapes itself into Sugawara." Sugawara startles Tanaka late at night.

  • Promises

    "When Balder wakes up, Loki's playing with his hair." Loki braids Balder's hair and Balder offers reassurance.

  • Kissing

    "Toudou isn't trying to startle Makishima. He's really not." Toudou confuses Makishima and tries to explain himself, with some success.