

  • Courage

    "Jacuzzi's eyes are overflowing, but he looks straight at her anyway, and there's a fire in his eyes that makes Nice's heart skid on a beat even before he speaks." Jacuzzi is courageous, and Nice is surprised.

  • Planning

    "Mondo goes to wipe his fingers against his jeans, remembers at the last minute that he's nicely dressed, and reaches for a towel instead before he reaches out for the top button of Ishimaru's shirt. 'You're not supposed to button them all the way up.'" Mondo plans a surprise and Ishimaru cries.

  • Expectation

    "'I just don't want you to think I'm not serious about you.'" Leorio follows a script and Kurapika breaks the fourth wall.

  • Coda

    "Maka usually looks gorgeous, although Soul doesn't usually let himself admit this out loud because it makes his occasional compliments mean more." Soul executes a plan and Maka smiles. Part 1 of the Cadence series. Followed by Cadenza.

  • Implicit

    "'Akane Hoshi, ladies and gentlemen.' Clay is smiling. Akane can hear it in his voice, even when the blond is purring dark into his ear like he is now. 'My meister. Genius in his own time.'" Akane is absorbed in a video game and Clay thoroughly distracts him.

  • Nervous

    "By the time Spirit makes it in the front door he is exhausted, and late, and hungry, and still so nervous he feels he might get sick at a moment's notice." Spirit is good at panicking and Stein is good at humoring him. Part 1 of the Intended series. Followed by Right.

  • Surprise

    "Giriko is expecting to sit around on the couch all day, doing as little as he can get away with, and when Justin comes over to curl up against him it's nothing but a pleasant surprise." Giriko startles himself and Justin at once.

  • Interruption

    "Barnaby is going crazy, and Kotetsu doesn't know why." Bunny has been upset for days and Kotetsu doesn't know why. The explanation's not as bad as Kotetsu expects. Part 1 of Official series. Followed by Announcement.

  • Inevitable

    "Giriko ignores it as long as he can, as much as he can." Justin's descent into Madness leaves signs that Giriko does his best to not see.

  • Overwhelmed

    "Mondo is waiting for Ishimaru when the last bell of the school day rings." Ishimaru cries. Mondo panics.

  • Bonding

    "Death Scythe turns to lead the way down the dim corridor. 'Can't teach you to cook in the entryway.'" Soul and Spirit attempt to bond via cooking.

  • Epilogue

    "Leorio always forgets, when he wakes up." Leorio has to develop new habits to sleep through the night. Set after manga chapter 339.

  • Lecture

    "As soon as Suzuka catches his eye Shishi makes his ever-effusive farewells and navigates through the crush to join him." Suzuka's reaction to Shishi's fight in Episode 107.

  • Pause

    "'Don't hide, no point in you sitting up if you're just going to disappear.'" Knuckle visits Shoot while the latter is recovering. Takes place after Chimera Ant arc. Part 2 of Assistance series. Sequel to Braids; followed by Soothing.

  • Fever

    "Leorio has been idly staring at Kurapika since they all rejoined on the airship, and so he is watching when all the blood drains out of the blond's face." Interlude set between episodes 58 and 59. Part 4 and final of Interludes series.

  • Disguise

    "When Kurapika tips his chin up to meet Leorio's gaze there's something wrong with his eyes." Interlude set before episode 56. Part 3 of Interludes series. Sequel to Insomnia; followed by Fever.

  • Style

    "'You're supposed to cut your hair every couple months, you know.'" Spirit cuts Stein's hair for him.