

  • Pining

    "Sousuke straightens, tipping his chin down to glare at whoever the unwanted visitor is well before he identifies the broad shoulders and the green eyes of one of the Iwatobi club members." Sousuke picks a fight and he and Makoto stop waiting.

  • Matched

    "Teshima can't sleep the night before their first drop." Teshima is good at planning, and Aoyagi is good at understanding.

  • Asking

    "Masayoshi doesn't seem to be quite human, certainly not when it comes to his pre-dawn energy levels. The fact that it's Christmas morning isn't helping." Masayoshi is always enthusiastic about Christmas, but this year Goto is on-edge too.

  • Freedom

    "Irie is tired. He can't remember anymore what it was to not be tired." When the battle is over and the future is saved, Irie is free to rest, if only he could.

  • Care

    "Irie has barely opened the door to the apartment before Byakuran calls for him." There are disadvantages to living with Byakuran but the advantages outweigh them for Irie. Part one of the Alternate series. Followed by Should.

  • Should

    "Irie is never ready for the nightmares." Even in the present, Irie dreams of an unformed future. Part two and final of the Alternate series. Sequel to Care.

  • Advantage

    "Hibari loses his composure far sooner than Dino expected." Dino accidentally gets Hibari tipsy.

  • Practicing

    "Yuki has beautiful batting form. It's impressive, it's inspirational, and it is very distracting." Isashiki admits that Yuki is better at baseball than he is, but he discovers an advantage in another area.

  • Betrayal

    "After all, Rogue's been waiting for Sting to come to him." Sting tries to comfort Rogue after Frosch's death. It goes well for neither of them.

  • Best

    "'Ngh,' Gokudera groans, and Yamamoto hums faintly in his sleep and shifts in closer against his spine." Gokudera wakes up warm and Yamamoto wakes up smiling. Part eleven and final of the Understanding series. Sequel to Preferred.

  • Friends

    "Alan never knows whether to be happy or sad when he makes a friend at work." Alan makes friends with one of his regulars, and it turns out much better than he feared. JouxSugane.

  • Preferred

    "Gokudera barely sleeps the night after he passes the inheritance test." Gokudera has a rough night of it after his inheritance test. Yamamoto is the best accidental reassurance he could get. Part ten of the Understanding series. Sequel to Grateful; followed by Best.

  • Grateful

    "Yamamoto probably should be surprised by the knock at the door of the dojo." Gokudera comes to offer comfort after Yamamoto passes his inheritance test. Part nine of the Understanding series. Sequel to Similarites; followed by Preferred.

  • Intoxication

    "The first time Haruichi tastes alcohol is from his brother's mouth." Haruichi doesn't like the taste of alcohol and Ryosuke is persuasive.

  • Similarities

    "By the third time Uri goes missing, Gokudera has a clear idea of where to start his search." Uri demonstrates a preference for Yamamoto's company and provides Gokudera a convenient excuse of his own. Part eight of the Understanding series. Sequel to Caring; followed by Gratitude.

  • Eventual

    "It takes Gokudera longer than it should to realize how badly hurt Yamamoto is." Gokudera finally catches up to the situation, and Yamamoto forgives him before he can apologize. Part six of the Understanding series. Sequel to Appreciation; followed by Caring.

  • Relaxed

    "Musashi doesn't look up right away when Hiruma emerges from the bedroom at some point late enough that it can't even graciously be called the morning anymore." Hiruma doesn't like waking up early but Musashi likes him.

  • Cracks

    "When Rogue meets Skiadrum, locks his own red eyes with the rainbow iridescence of the other's, he thinks he'll never be alone again. He is almost unsurprised when the accident happens." Rogue and Sting meet through tragedy, and then they experience serendipity together.

  • Straightforward

    "Sting is winning his match against Rogue when the worry starts to hit him." Sting is usually more than confident, but occasionally insecurity gets the better of him.

  • Attached

    "Abe thought he was resigned to anything by the time his new knight arrives to collect him." Abe is used to acting as squire for knights and determined to avoid getting attached. Mihashi doesn't intend to disrupt his plans, but accidents happen.