

  • Presence

    "Kuroko's eyes are steady, though, fixed on Kagami's face and lit up by the moonlight reflecting off the water behind the taller boy's head." Kuroko and Kagami go for a run and some things are made clear. Part 1 of the Moonlight series. Followed by Shaking.

  • Gold

    "Kageyama is always surprised by how much space Hinata manages to take up." Kageyama loses track of what he's saying. Hinata understands anyway. Part 4 of the Teamwork series. Sequel to Reassurance; followed by Invincible.

  • Worry

    "Abe's turning as he throws his helmet to the side, skidding out on the wet ground and still scrambling forward, out towards the pitcher's mound where Mihashi is still standing wide-eyed with the shock that has only just passed over Abe's own thoughts." Abe loses his composure as soon as victory is assured. Part 1 of the Leading series. Followed by Sure.

  • Sunshine

    "When a voice shouts Mitsuki's name there's a flash of recognition-before-recognition, his heart speeding with excitement, and there's only one person who can elicit that sort of response from his subconscious mind." Mitsuki tries to avoid Hayato and himself. Hayato deals with problems directly. Part 4 and final of the Seeing series. Sequel to Darkness.

  • Losing

    "Teshima hates losing races. For something he does with such frequency, it's a strange thing to dislike as violently as he does." The first time Teshima and Aoyagi lose a race together.

  • Right

    "Spirit's third tip-off is that no one else calls him 'senpai.'" Spirit freaks out, Stein is composed, there are many tears. Part 2 and final of the Intended series. Sequel to Nervous.

  • Reassurance

    "Hinata doesn't think anything of it until Kageyama catches his eye, gives him a look that is kind of a glare and kind of a question, and then all of the other boy's movements start to look like he's trying to get the redhead alone, and Hinata abruptly becomes extraordinarily self-conscious about the fact." Part 3 of Teamwork series. Sequel to Steady; followed by Gold.

  • Joy

    "The wave of excitement is a palpable thing that crests over the students until they are all part of a single unit for a brief moment." Hayato has an epiphany just before Mitsuki has the same one. Expanded scene from episode 12. Part 2 of Seeing series. Sequel to Shadows; followed by Darkness.

  • Shadowed

    "Without the deliberate half-yell Tanaka usually adopts the volume of his voice drops into a rolling purr that Sugawara imagines he can feel through his fingertips." Suga and Tanaka put away the equipment and take a moment to themselves in the shadows. Takes place during episode 3.

  • Steady

    "Kageyama glances at Hinata without turning his head, just a quick movement of dark eyes, but then he doesn't look away, holds Hinata's gaze without moving for a moment." Hinata is humming with adrenaline when Kageyama comes out to thank him. Part 2 of Teamwork series. Sequel to Practice; followed by Reassurance.

  • Teasing

    "Just because he's good at waiting doesn't mean Tadokoro's not going to look." Makishima lounges, Tadokoro waits.

  • Mistake

    "Akane is good at thinking on his feet. But sometimes he's wrong." Akane makes a mistake and Clay takes the fallout.

  • Understanding Things Slowly

    "Clay keeps getting halfway into a sentence before his brain catches up and realizes Akane is teasing him, again, and he loses his train of thought in a self-conscious blush." There was a time when Clay could make it through a whole day without blushing. Then he met Akane.

  • Information

    "It's been almost three weeks, now, and Knuckle's just starting to think that they should tell Morel, and soon, or it'll be too awkward to explain how long it's been going on." Morel fulfills his responsibility as a teacher and Knuckle attempts to die of embarrassment. Part 4 and final of Assistance series. Sequel to Soothing.

  • Practice

    "Hinata doesn't see Kageyama's movements stall, doesn't see dark eyes following the trickle of water down the back of his neck and under the collar of his shirt." Kageyama tries to be subtle and totally fails. Part 1 of Teamwork series. Followed by Steady.

  • Soothing

    "The braids are tight enough that Shoot's whole head prickles with almost-painful relief as Knuckle works them free, like feeling coming back into a limb gone numb." Knuckle takes Shoot's hair down and they tease each other. Part 3 of Assistance series. Sequel to Pause; followed by Information.

  • Platonic

    A set of ficlets playing with platonic friendships across three established relationships. SteinxSpirit, GirikoxJustin, MariexAzusa.

  • Choices

    "It was supposed to be easy." A fight finally gets the better of the legendary meister and Death Scythe.

  • Instigation

    "Watching Death Scythe is a little like watching an actor on a stage, so confident in his own importance that he is always certain of an audience." Death Scythe performs, and Justin watches, and Death Scythe notices.

  • Prediction

    "'It's not like he's going to say no,' Edgeworth points out out loud, and thankfully the irony of his life does not kick in and bring Phoenix in at this moment." Edgeworth gives himself a pep talk and then startles Phoenix.